Stress & Burnout Therapy in Richmond Hill

Online Therapy for Millennials & Gen Z | Serving all of Ontario


It feels like you're drowning in an endless sea of responsibility and can't seem to keep up with life.

Stress therapy toronto

You thought you’d have a handle on this being an adult thing but you feel like a fish out of water. It's never-ending. There's always something you feel like you have to be doing (Ugh to that nagging voice in the back of your mind).

Pick up your dry cleaning, grocery shop or you’ll starve this week, bring your car in for an oil change. They're mundane tasks but on top of everything else, you’re beyond overwhelmed.

The best thing is, once you're all caught up and finally feel like you can breathe, shit hits the fan and you need to start all over again.

There’s also so much pressure on you to figure your life out. What does that even mean?! Have a job you love, buy a house, get married…blah blah blah. Sometimes the pressure makes you question everything. How are you going to do this for the rest of your life?! (cue panic)


Well, hi! That’s where we come in!

We can help you feel less like you’re constantly trying to hold it together and more confident about navigating adult life.


Here’s what therapy for stress & burnout can help with:

stress therapy toronto

➝ Navigating your schedule and prioritizing effectively.

Reducing stress and increasing self-care.

➝ Working on perfectionism & people pleasing tendencies that might be contributing to stress.

➝ Exploring and shifting patterns that might be contributing to burnout (Don’t worry we won’t ask you to meditate for an hour every day…if that’s not your vibe!).

➝ Getting unstuck in certain areas of your life and gaining direction so you can make the best decisions for yourself.

➝ Improving time-management, procrastination, organization, and sleep patterns.

In summary, we help you build life long habits & dig deeper to create lasting changes so you can feel at ease and live life at a comfortable pace.


You don't have to keep running yourself into the ground while you’re trying to keep up with life. Gaining clarity about what you want, living a life that’s meaningful, & feeling grounded is possible.

Click below to book a free 15 minute consultation with one of our therapists: